He is my Strength!!!

He is my Strength!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wow, it's almost back to school time already.  Oh the joys of shopping for school supplies for 3 children.  This summer has just seem to fly by so quickly.  The kids have kept busy with friends & water slides, Trevor has football practice & meetings with his recruiter.   Yes, his recruiter.  My son has decided that he is going into the Air Force.  So many different emotions have surfaced with his decision.  First & foremost, I am incredibly proud of him.  I am proud that he wants to plan for his future & plan a career...BUT, at the same time I am sad.  Being a good parent means preparing your children mentally, emotionally & morally to be ready to go out on their own.  So I technically knew this day was coming, somehow it got here a lot quicker than I was expecting.  I am going to put on a brave face & support his decision 100% but the day he actually leaves is going to be awful.  I wonder if that's normal?  Jordan is only 2 years younger than Trevor.  That means in 3 years I could only have 1 child in my house.  I can't even wrap my mind around that.  The thought of having a quiet house kind of freaks me out.  That's pretty ironic considering all of the years that I have broken up fights & asked them to please be quiet.  For now I've decided not to think about tomorrow & to enjoy the time that I have left with all 3 of my babies under our roof.  But, if no one has heard from me this time next year....Please make sure that I am not in my room, under the covers, crying uncontrollably.